Monday, September 24, 2012

P. E.

My goals for the P. E. are the following:
1. To be able to listen better and understand more.
2. To be able to speak with similar pitch and tone as a native Japanese speaker. (I hope I can get to the point that I can speak to a random Japanese person and he/she think that I am indeed a native speaker.)

1. Speaking and listening practice from the textbook.
2. More anime!! Of course now that watching anime is considered "learning", and not just slacking off, why not?


  1. So which anime do you like to watch? Any favorite ones? Also, how much are you going to watch them? 10 min per day? 30 min per week? Let's talk about anime together!

    1. すみません しばたせんせい I left this for too long and then forgot to reply to it.

      I have seen quite a number of anime, I think my favorite ones are Death Note and Fullmetal Alchemist (はがねのれんきんじゅつし is the Japanese name, I think). I usually watch 1-2 episodes a day (which is about 25-50 minutes).

      Also I just found out that there is an anime club here too. It's run by undergrads so I was somewhat out of the circle. I will find out more and hopefully get involved.

  2. おはいおございます、Peteさん!
    ぼくはNotre Dameのいちねんせいです。
    My favorite anime is Shiki (it's a little dry in the first half, but the payoff is worth it, imo).

    1. こじらこそ どうぞよろしく Wu さん
      I have not seen Shiki yet. But it looks interesting. I will check it out soon. Thanks for the recommendation!

  3. I love anime too!! My favourites are Naruto and Bleach! :)

    1. I haven't seen Naruto or Bleach yet. Usually I only watch series that has ended, so that I don't have to wait for new episode every week and stuff. And these two series seem to last forever. Will they finish so I get to see them?
