Sunday, October 21, 2012




Well, now let's write something in English too, just to convey those information I don't know how to say in Japanese yet (hopefully this situation is not going to last very long though).

Today I write about a telescope called "Subaru" on Mt. Mauna Kea in Hawaii, which is a big thing, especially since I am an astronomer. This telescope is owned and run by the Japanese astronomical community. It is very big and absolutely amazing. I can go on forever telling you how great it is, but I will spare that for now.

The word "Subaru" is the Japanese word for Pleiades, which the telescope is named after. Incidentally, the car brand Subaru is also named after the same thing.

Monday, October 15, 2012

PE1 reflection & PE2 goal

Reflection from PE1

- I think the tone and pitch part are okay. At least for the words I know I can speak and sound natural. Obviously I still have to keep learning pitch pattern for new words I learn. But for now I think the progress is satisfactory.

- I found that some sound are actually harder to make than others, especially when speaking fast. Double consonant is definitely one of them especially when the consonants are 's'.

- The anime watching part is going well. Too well actually. But this should keep going.

Goals for PE2

- Double consonant should be the goal for now. I hope to get double 's' sound correct.
- And keep the anime going of course...